Cover by Miran Kim. "Big Foot, Warm Heart". 65 pages. Story by Stefan Petrucha. Art by Charles Adlard. You would think that the search for Bigfoot would be right up Mulders alley. However there has never been a case to warrant making it an X-File. Until now. An FBI agent has gone missing and evidence seems to point to his being abducted by Bigfoot. Scully and Mulders investigation may be seriously hampered by millionaire Ben McCaslin, a rich man who fancies himself a big game hunter. With his resources, it just may be possible for him to capture a sasquatch. And an FBI agent? "The Visitor." 11 pages. Reprinted from Ray Bradbury Comics Special Edition (1993). From a story by Ray Bradbury. Adaptation and breakdowns by P. Craig Russell. Art by Michael Lark. A lonely settler on Mars receives a visitor. A woman who can make dreams appear real. But when other settlers find out about her, human nature takes over and bad things start to happen. "The Foghorn." 9 pages. Reprinted from Ray Bradbury Comics (1993) #3. From a story by Ray Bradbury. Adapted by Wayne D. Barlowe. A giant creature from the deep mistakes the sound of a fog horn for the call of one of its own kind. With tragic consequences for the lighthouse. "Trapdoor." 9 pages. Reprinted from Ray Bradbury Comics (1993) #5. From a story by Ray Bradbury. Adapted by Ross MacDonald. Clara had been in the house for ten years before she noticed the trap door leading to the attic. She ignores it until strange sounds start coming from there. Once she starts investigating….. Well, suffice to say she will wish she left well enough alone. 100 pages. Full color.
Cover price $3.50.