Cover pencils by Pat Broderick, inks by Romeo Tanghal. Old Friends, New Relatives and Other Corpses!, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by Pat Broderick, inks by Bruce Patterson; Dr. Regulus attacks Sun Boy and the Legion on Brande's planetoid. Meanwhile, Chameleon Boy, unsettled about the discovery of his father, impulsively decides to take Timber Wolf and Shrinking Violet on a mission to the Khunds' homeworld. House ad for The Saga of Swamp Thing (1982 series) #1, art by Tom Yeates. A Crown for the Princess, script by Paul Levitz, pencils by Keith Giffen, inks by Bruce Patterson; Projectra's cousin Pharoxx challenges her for the crown of Orando. 36 pgs. $0.60.
Cover price $0.60.