- INCOMPLETE. Multiple pages missing, interrupts art and story.
Painted cover art by George Wilson. "The Knights of Tandika," script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Dan Spiegle; Korak and Billali kill lions together and present their pelts to Queen Tandika, as does Mandyama; The queen grants them their choice of brides, which Korak declines until Mandyama chooses a white captive; They duel, Korak wins, and the queen weds Korak to Sue Randall; He assures her, though, that the marriage has no validity and that he had only gone through the ceremony so as to help her escape. Super Saturday on ABC ad. ABC's Super Saturday Club ad. "The Eagle's Nest," script by Gaylord Du Bois, pencils by Tom Massey, inks by Tom Massey; When an eagle attacks Mabu's little dog, Mabu spears the bird but fails to kill it; He later raids a large nest in hopes of eggs for food, only to be attacked himself by the furious eagle. "Trees of Africa" article. "Giants of the Snows," script by Gaylord Du Bois, art by Dan Spiegle; When a giant Torodon captures a Ho-Don girl, Korak tracks the creature to its lair and attacks, freeing the girl. Gold Key Comics Club News. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.15.