Cover by Roberto Parada. Stories and art by Al Jaffee, Dick DeBartolo, Anthony Barbieri and Bill Wray, Mike Snider, Don (Duck) Edwing, John Prete, Stan Hart, Steve Ross, Darren Johnson, John Boni, Michael Gallagher, Desmond Devlin, Angelo Torres, Paul Coker, Jr., Greg Theakston, Monte Wolverton, Sam Viviano, Tom Bunk, Hermann Mejia, Timothy Shamey, Kevin Pope, Peter Kuper, Dave Berg, and Sergio Aragones. Spoofs of the first X Files movie and The Truman Show, featuring art by Sam Viviano and Timothy Shamey. Honest instructions, featuring art by Greg Theakston. Mad's version of "Pop-Up Video" takes on boy-bands Hanson and the Backstreet Boys. Sergio Aragones' version of Armageddon. Mad's takes on road rage, gambling, and classified ads. Monroe, Lighter Side strips by Dave Berg, Marginals by Sergio Aragones, and Spy vs. Spy. The Truedumb Show; Are You A Compulsive Gambler?; Monroe &... The Big Game; When Suicide Cards Really Catch On; Leo's Talk Show Adventure, or Why Stars Hate Going on Talk Shows; A Mad Look at Armageddon; Dream Classified Ads; Visual Instructions For the Way Things Really Work; Spy vs. Spy; Now You Can Stop Road Rage with Fume-OFF; The Lighter Side of...; Adding Pay-Per-View Excitement to Other Sports; The Ecch Files: Fight This Feature; Pop-Off Video; Mad's Celebrity Cause-Of-Death Betting Odds; Fold-In; For the Birds. 8.5-in. x 11-in., 48 pages, B&W.
Cover price $2.50.