Dick Tracy Unprinted Stories (1987) comic books
Published Sep 1987 by Blackthorne.$3.00
Story, art and cover by Chester Gould. Blackthorne Publishing reprints the original comic-strip adventures of legendary tough cop Dick Tracy and his rogues gallery of freakish enemies. This issue includes strips from January 1 – March 21, 1956, which had not been previously reprinted in comic-book form. Getaway–car driver Joe Period kills the sister of policewoman Lizz, then flees in a stolen car. Lizz leads the police in a cross-country quest to bring him to justice, but the chase is complicated by Nothing Yonson and another surprise villain. 48 pages, B&W. Cover price $2.95.
Published Jun 1988 by Blackthorne.$2.50
Story, art and cover by Chester Gould. Blackthorne Publishing reprints the original comic-strip adventures of legendary tough cop Dick Tracy and his rogues gallery of freakish enemies. This issue includes strips from September 3 – December 24 1956. A mute 10-year old girl is the only witness who can identify the killer named Ivy, who has killed her stepfather and married her mother for the money. Final issue of the series; the 1957 storylines continue in Dick Tracy Monthly/Weekly (1986) #52. 64 pages, B&W. Cover price $4.95.