By Ted Nomura and Ben & Joe Dunn. "Schweinfurt." After the "Hamburg Holocaust" initiated by the RAF (Royal Air Force) in July 1943, the USAAF (U.S. Army Air Force) concentrated the main bulk of its forces on attacking Schweinfurt in August and October 1943. Despite the chaos of the German High Command, the Luftwaffe inflicted a heavy toll on the American bombers, which the Americans still believed
could bomb without fighter escort. With casualties reaching 1500 in those two raids, the Americans suspended all heavy
bombing missions until the spring of 1944, rushing to prepare for D-Day. In this alternate history, the He-280 and the British Mustang prototype are introduced in combat during the October raid and the Luftwaffe, as ordered by Hitler, develops the Me-262 as a fighter-bomber, causing a slowdown of the Allied advance in Normandy and leading to Luftwaffe: 1946. This is the final issue of the black-and-white format, leading into the first issue of the current World War II: 1946 color series. Bimonthly.
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