Cover art by Henry Scarpelli. Health Education public service announcement about AIDS awareness, with the Archie gang. "Funny Business," script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Henry Scarpelli, inks by Rudy Lapick; Students in the Riverdale Junior Business Association have to establish an after-school business; Jughead and Betty, Reggie and Veronica, Eugene and Moose, and Archie and Amani form teams, but each of their business plans has a flaw. Sunkist Fun Fruits ad with Archie and his Friends. Mr. Lodge's Puzzle Page by Rod Ollerenshaw. "Dream Date Nightmare," script by Mike Pellowski (as Mike Pollowski), pencils by Henry Scarpelli, inks by Rudy Lapick; Archie wins a contest for a "dream date" with TV star Glory Carter, but the dream turns into a nightmare when Glory turns out to be a selfish, media-obsessed brat. Katy Keene Comics Digest ad. "The April Fool," script by Mike Pellowski (as Mike Pollowski), art by Henry Scarpelli; Reggie plays tricks on the rest of the gang on April Fool's day. Archie's Posters ad. "Ticket to Happiness," script by Mike Pellowski, pencils by Henry Scarpelli, inks by Rudy Lapick; Archie loses his ride tickets at a carnival and gives them up when he finds they were found by a couple of poor kids. Archie's Club News. 36 pgs., full color.
Cover price $0.75.