Star Trek Voyager Magazine (1995) comic books
Tags: Star Trek$7.00
Direct Edition (with foil enhancements). Venture beyond the final frontier with Captain Kathryn Janeway & crew! Co-creator Rick Berman unveils the world of Star Trek: Voyager; 'The Caretaker' - Behind the scenes of the first mission; designing the Voyager universe. Cover price $6.99.
Tags: Star Trek$6.00
Newsstand Edition. Venture beyond the final frontier with Captain Kathryn Janeway & crew! Co-creator Rick Berman unveils the world of Star Trek: Voyager; 'The Caretaker' - Behind the scenes of the first mission; designing the Voyager universe. Cover price $5.99.
Life with Tuvok - Tim Russ reveals what it's like being Star Trek's latest Vulcan; special makeup secrets - how Michael Westmore creates Neelix & company; meet Garrett Wang - Ensign Harry Kim reports; six complete Voyager mission scenarios. Cover price $5.99.
Special travel tips from Neelix - Ethan Phillips, cook, guide & all-around handy alien; Jennifer Lien looks ahead at life for Kes; scripting the series; five exciting Voyager mission scenarios. Cover price $5.99.
'Faces' of B'Elanna Torres - Klingon courage vs. human intelligence; Michael Piller speaks - co-creating the saga; inside 'Heroes and Demons' - the Doctor as Beowulf; the music of Voyager. Cover price $5.99.
Kate Mulgrew reviews her great starship adventures Cover price $5.99.
Secrets of the Q-Continuum; Q returns - John de Lancie explains why; writing for Voyager; Joel Grey recalls Resistance. Cover price $5.99.
Celebrating 30 years of Star Trek; Voyager crossover - flashback with George Takei to 'The Adventures of Captain Sulu'; at last - Voyager comic books; meet the Killer & the Clown. Cover price $5.99.
Tags: Star Trek$6.00
Roxann Dawson unmasked - meet the real B'Elanna Torres; eight fold-out posters; Kes, Torres, the Q couple & Janeway. Cover price $5.99.
Tags: Star Trek$6.00
'Before & After' - will Kes survive the adventure of her lifetime?; the men of Voyager; meet Tuvix; seven fold-out posters. Jennifer Lien as Kes cover. Cover price $5.99.
Tags: Star Trek$8.00
Years of Hell! Years of Adventure! The spectacular CGI special FX from Ron Thornton & Foundation Imaging; meet the homicidal hologram; all-new crew posters. Cover price $5.99.
Tags: Star Trek$6.00
Who's Really Alien? Cover price $5.99.