Ghost Stories (1962-1973 Dell) comic books
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue features "Journey's End," "The Marked Man," "The Thing in the Swamp," and "The Other Mr. Comstock." Issue also has "Newsworthy" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.12.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue features "The Strange Experience of Henry Peace," "Poor Relations," "The 30 Eyes of Kalamwa," and "The Phantom Capsule." Issue also has "Drip, Drip, Drip" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.12.
- Centerfold detached at one staple.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number two, "37 Pounds of Devotion," "Phantom's Best Friend," "The Thousand-Year-Old Bug," and "Portrait of…?" Story and art credits: Unknown. Cover price increases to 15 cents. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number three, "An Unforgettable Day," "The Day the Soldiers Ran," "Blood, Sweat and Fear," and "When Would Death Come for Daniel DuPrey?" Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Reprints issue 4, anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number four, "To My Killer with Affection," "Have I Been Here Before?" "The Face in the Picture," and "Appointment with Sam Mara." Issue also has "The Watchful Eye" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories for issue number five, "Pelham's Prediction," "Only Pantorro Knew," "The Helping Hand," and "Who was the Stranger?" Issue also has "The Guiding Voice" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology type comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue features "Escape Act," "The Last deMaudred," "The Route to…?" and "Fight to the Finish." Issue also has "The Dream" one-page text feature. Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation in the book states that the average monthly number of sales of the comic is 240,756. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number seven, "Larger than Life," "Blood Will Tell," "The Magic Box," and "The Death Room." Issue also has "Who Ever Heard of a Spooked Pen?" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number 13, "Final Encounter," "Dead Heat," "Out of the Blue," and "In the Pool." Issue also has "The Photographer" and "Who Ever Heard of a Spooked Pen?" one-page text features. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number 14, "A Room with a Dreadful Secret," "The Stranger," "A Weird Episode," and "The Harmless Knife." Issue also has "Survivor" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.15.
Anthology comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number 15, "The Phantom Castaway," "Fool's Gold," "Hex Island," and "Wings of Death." Issue also has "The Haunted Station" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.20.
Antholog comic which features spooky and suspenseful stories relating to ghosts and other mysteries from the beyond. This issue reprints stories from issue number 16, "Command from the Grave," "The King of the Dead," "Fowler's Light," and "A Castle is to Keep." Issue also has "The Disappointed Ghost" one-page text feature. Story and art credits: Unknown. October 1973. 36 pages, full color. Cover price $0.20.