WRITTEN BY WILLIAM MESSNER-LOEBS; ART BY GUY DAVIS AND PHIL HESTER; PAINTED COVER BY PAUL RIVOCHE In stores December 29. The Y2K problem triggers an unexpected outcome as the world ? not just its computers ? turns back to the year 1900 in a thought-provoking miniseries. The Y2K problem proves more disruptive than anyone ever imagined in a spellbinding miniseries written by William Messner-Loebs (WONDER WOMAN: AMAZONIA) with art by Guy Davis (SANDMAN MYSTERY THEATRE, BATMAN) and Phil Hester (FLINCH) and painted covers by Paul Rivoche (Mister X, VERTIGO: WINTER'S EDGE II). When the computer glitch everyone feared instead causes time itself to flip back to the year 1900, it's up to a band of elite computer programmers to reinvent the technology of the digital age in a barely industrial America. Their plan is to hack their way back into the 21st century by creating a bug-free computer age, but other issues ? such as survival ? take precedence when aliens from an alternate, dystopian year 2000 (a timeline created by the team's activities in 1900) travel back in time with orders to kill. For more information, see the feature article. MATURE READERS FC, 32 PG. (1 OF 4)"
Cover price $2.50.