Spectacular Spider-Man (1976 1st Series) Whitman Variants comic books
View scans$2.80
View scan- Tear on back cover.
View scan$7.00
Whitman Variant. "And There Was Lightmaster!" Part 3 of 3. Plot by Gerry Conway. Script by Jim Shooter. Pencils by Sal Buscema. Inks by Mike Esposito. Cover by Al Milgrom. At last the mastermind behind the ESU kidnappings and the city hall attacks stands revealed! It's a new villain...Lightmaster! Who is he? And what is his connection to Empire State University? Spider-Man will have to find out in order to turn off the Lightmaster! Cameo appearance by the Tarantula. (Note: The issue includes a half-page ad for What If issue 1: "What If Spider-Man Joined the Fantastic Four?") 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
Whitman Variant. "The Vulture is a Bird of Prey! Part 1 of 2. Script by Archie Goodwin. Pencils by Sal Buscema. Inks by Mike Esposito. It's the long-awaited return of the Vulture! And the old villain is still craving revenge against Spider-Man! The Vulture perches several hostages on top of a skyscraper and dares the web-slinger to rescue them. The wall-crawler and the Vulture are in the middle of another classic battle, when suddenly the duo is interrupted by...the Hitman! First appearance of the Hitman. (Notes: The Vulture previously appeared in Amazing Spider-Man 64. The red-haired woman on the cover is not Mary Jane Watson.) 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
View scans$7.00
Whitman Variant. "The Power to Purge!" Script by Gerry Conway. Art by Ross Andru and Frank Giacoia. Cover by Al Milgrom. This issue reprints most of Marvel Team-Up 3 where Spider-Man and the Human Torch teamed up to battle Morbius the Living Vampire. The first two pages and the last page of this issue are new story and art. The web-slinger is feeling sick and reflects on the last time he felt this way (MTU 3). Cameo appearance by Morbius. (Note: The artist for the three new pages is not credited.) 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
View scan- Staple rust.
View scan- Centerfold detached at one staple.
View scan$2.60
View scan$7.80
Whitman Variant. "Cry Mayhem, Cry Morbius!" Part 1 of 2. Script by Archie Goodwin. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns) and Jim Mooney (finishes). Cover by Dave Cockrum and Al Milgrom. Morbius has returned to New York City! And the blood-lusting vampire chooses Glory Grant as his first victim! When Peter Parker sees the living vampire abscond with Glory, the web-slinger swings into action! It's a death-defying battle across the rooftops of Manhattan for the Spectacular Spider-Man! Can the wall-crawler save Glory, much less himself, from the fangs of Morbius? Cameo appearance by Mary Jane Watson. (Note: A 35-cent cover price variant exists for this issue.) 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
Whitman Variant. "And Only One Shall Survive!" Part 2 of 2. Script by Archie Goodwin. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns) and Mike Esposito (finishes). Cover by Paul Gulacy. A mysterious alien called the Empathoid is controlling Morbius. But during the wall-crawler's battle with the living vampire, the Empathoid decides that he would rather control Spider-Man instead! So now the web-slinger has two foes to fight! Meanwhile, Flash Thompson finally gets a chance to talk to Sha Shan, only to discover that she is married. (Note: A 35-cent cover price variant exists for this issue.) 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
Whitman Variant. "Tiger in a Web!" Part 2 of 2. Script by Bill Mantlo. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns), Mike Esposito (finishes), and Frank Giacoia (finishes). Cover by George Perez and Frank Giacoia. An awesome battle issue as the White Tiger and the Spectacular Spider-Man fight from cover-to-cover! Did the tiger really steal the Erskine Manuscripts, or is this all a giant misunderstanding? Either way, the volatile situation at ESU must be brought under control soon! Can the two heroes work together to achieve peace on campus? Cover price $0.30.
- Interior is complete. 4.5" Cumulative spine split. Cover detached.
Whitman Variant. "A Life Too Far" Guest-starring Medusa and the Inhumans. Script by Chris Claremont. Pencils by Jim Mooney. Inks by Mike Esposito. Cover by Al Milgrom. It's a race against time as the web-slinger has to deliver a serum to a dying patient in the operating room! But wait, there's another superhero that desperately needs that serum too...Medusa! The Spectacular Spider-Man and the long-haired Inhuman battle at Coney Island! And if the wall-crawler successfully beats Medusa, he will face Gorgon, Karnak, Triton, and Black Bolt next! Cameo appearance by Mary Jane Watson. Last 30¢ issue. (Note: A 35-cent cover price variant exists for this issue.) 32 pages Cover price $0.30.
Whitman Variant. "Brother Power, Sister Sun!" Part 1 of 4. Script by Bill Mantlo. Art by Sal Buscema (breakdowns) and Mike Esposito (finishes). Cover by Al Milgrom and Terry Austin. Flash Thompson and Peter Parker are playing tennis in Central Park when they notice a cult rally going on nearby. The leaders of the Legion of Light, Brother Power and Sister Sun, are preaching to the masses, when Flash moves in for a closer look...and discovers that Sister Sun is actually his former girlfriend Sha Shan! One thing leads to another and the headstrong Flash and the wall-crawler team-up to battle Brother Power and Sister Sun! First 35¢ issue. 32 pages Cover price $0.35.
Auction opens March 17$4.80
Whitman Variant. "Still Crazy After All These Years" Script by Bill Mantlo. Pencils by Jim Mooney. Inks by Mike Esposito. Cover by Keith Pollard and Terry Austin. The Scorpion (last seen in Ms. Marvel 2) is back, and he's still consumed by hatred for J. Jonah Jameson! This time in his quest for vengeance, Mac Gargan (aka the Scorpion) attacks the Daily Bugle Building in broad daylight! But fortunately for Jonah, Peter Parker happens to be in the building looking for a photo assignment. It's another great Spidey vs. Scorpion showdown! Also in this issue, Mary Jane further explains to Peter why she turned down his marriage proposal in Amazing Spider-Man 183. (Note: This issue was reprinted in 1987 as a Marvel Comics Mini Comic.) 32 pages Cover price $0.35.
"Carrion, My Wayward Son!" Script by Bill Mantlo. Pencils by Jim Mooney. Inks by Frank Springer. Cover by Keith Pollard and Bruce Patterson. The Maggia and Big M break into the Citicorp Center with their new powerful weapon...the Tri-Man! The web-slinger happens to be close by and swings into the bank to stop the robbery. However, the wall-crawler is not prepared to battle both the Tri-Man and the Masked Marauder in close quarters! Can the Spectacular Spider-Man stave off the Tri-Man and dodge Big M's opti-blasts at the same time? Meanwhile, the White Tiger (aka Hector Ayala) clashes with a street gang in South Bronx, and a new ghastly villain reveals his hatred for Spider-Man. First appearance of Carrion. (Notes: This issue begins a seven-issue run in the Spectacular Spider-Man series that features the best stories in the early years of the title. This issue also includes a full page ad for the Korvac saga taking place in the Avengers series. Art by George Perez.) 32 pages Cover price $0.35.
Whitman Variant. "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory" Guest-starring Daredevil. First printing. Script by Bill Mantlo. Pencils by Jim Mooney. Inks by Frank Springer. The Amazing Spider-Man is in very bad shape after being injured and blinded by the Masked Marauder during their battle at the Citicorp bank. If the web-slinger is going to have any hope of stopping Big M, he must have help. Maybe the Man Without Fear can lend a hand! Meanwhile, Mary Jane Watson and Betty Brant Leeds stop by Peter's apartment to visit him; however, Peter is not home...but Carrion is! Cameo appearance by the White Tiger. This is the original printing (a 1993 video game promo facsimilie reprint was also made, but the differences between the original and the reprint are easily apparent). 32 pages. NOTE: 1993 JC Penney reprint exists. It can be identified by having the words "The Amazing Spider-Man" printed in the UPC box. Cover price $0.35.
Auction opens March 17
- Centerfold detached at one staple.
Whitman Variant. "The Blind Leading The Blind" Guest-starring Daredevil. Script by Bill Mantlo. Pencils by Frank Miller (1st work on Daredevil). Inks by Frank Springer. Cover by Dave Cockrum and Al Milgrom. One of the classic issues of the bronze age. Two blind super-heroes are on the trail of the Masked Marauder and the Tri-Man! Can Daredevil lead Spider-Man to the secret lair of the Maggia? The Man Without Fear and the web-slinger must hurry, because the Masked Marauder is set to launch his atomic bombdroid to destroy the city! Cameo appearances by Mary Jane Watson and Carrion. (Notes: This issue includes a one-page retelling of Daredevil's origin. This issue was reprinted in 1984 in Spider-Man and Daredevil 1, in 1993 through JC Penney Catalog identifiable by having the words "The Amazing Spider-Man" printed in the UPC box, and again in 1994 in The Complete Frank Miller Spider-Man). 32 pages Cover price $0.35.
View scan$2.50
Whitman Variant. "Secret as the Grave!" Script by Bill Mantlo. Pencils by Jim Mooney. Inks by Frank Springer. Cover by Keith Pollard and Bob Layton. Carrion has charged Spider-Man with the murders of both Gwen Stacy and Professor Miles Warren! What is Carrion's connection to the people from Peter Parker's past? Now in the ESU campus gymnasium, the wall-crawler and the White Tiger will fight together against the evil of Carrion! First 40¢ issue. 32 pages Cover price $0.40.