by Gilbert, Jaime, & Mario Hernandez
Fantagraphics Books is proud and elated to announce the return, after a five-year hiatus, of the comic book that changed the
industry forever: Love and Rockets, reuniting all three Hernandez Brothers! Jaime picks up the newly-divorced Maggie's story
as she returns to the old neighborhood to try to reconnect with her past; in the first issue she meets up with everyone's favorite
Hoppers resident, Izzy Ortiz. Gilbert launches a thrilling new graphic novel, "Julio's Day," about a man's life from 1900 to
2000. Every person gets his day... or does he? Finally, Gilbert (artist) and Mario (writer) collaborate on "Me for the
Unknown," a tale of political intrigue, dumping on the little guy, psychosis, and violent revenge reminiscent of some of their
earliest L&R stories (or their Mister X "Tales of Somnopolis" stories). Deluxe paper, cardstock covers.
b&w, 32pg
Cover price $3.95.