- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #0351454018
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Graded by MCS, not consignor.
No number, not dated (c. early 50's). The cover is reprinted from Western Killers #63 (March 1949) with some alterations, such as the removal of the Fox logo. However, the interior pages are from Range Riders #1 (1950). For unknown reasons, it seems apparent that this cover was reprinted expressly for the purpose of binding it to unsold copies of Range Rider #1. The practice of binding new covers to unsold copies for resale is not unheard of from this time period. NOTE: First story page is missing. Normally, it would have been printed on the inside front cover of Range Rider's #1, but the new Western Killers cover replaces it with a chewing gum ad.
"Showdown at Rancho Nuevo" (9 pages, originally 10), "Knots" illustrated filler on tying knots, "Baggataway" text story (2 pg), "Cactus Nell's Dangerous Gamble", Range Busters in "Vanishing Gold", and "The Saga of John Wesley Hardin". 36 pages, FC.
Cover price $0.10.