Now dubbed The "New" Nostalgia Journal, #27 is the issue in which the outspoken editor Gary Groth and publisher Fantagraphics took over. Includes Frazetta cover art and classified ads by and for Six Gun Heroes: A Price Guide to Movie Cowboy Collectibles, Toronto Star Trek 76, Star Trek Galore, Bud Plant, Jerry Bails, and more. Also includes a long editorial by Groth, a Jack Kirby interview, a review of Edward Bryant's Among the Dead and Other Events Leading to the Apocalypse by Alan Brennert, an interview with Alan Light and Murray Bishoff, The Creative Experience by Jim Wilson, and Fanzine reviews. 36 pgs, folded newsprint. July, 1976. (With issue #34, The New Nostalgia Journal would become The Comics Journal, one of the most respected and controversial comics history and criticism magazines ever).