95 cent cover price edition. Cover art by Dan DeCarlo. Archie Public Service Announcement about tooth decay. Party Pair, script by George Gladir, art by Samm Schwartz; Jughead has to get a date for Veronica's party and has to turn to Ethel. Archie & Dave Winfield ad for the Ora Care Baseball Bat Toothbrush. Diet Riot, script by Rich Margopoulos [As R. Margopoulos], art by Samm Schwartz; Jughead becomes the spokesman for Naturo Foods Diet De-Lite but his metabolism spells trouble for the company. Cycle Saga, script by George Gladir, art by Samm Schwartz; Jughead enters a bike race for second prize which is free pizza for a month. Gumby And Pokey ad for Brachs Gum Dinger Pops. Pretty Crummy, script by Dick Malmgren, art by Samm Schwartz; Jughead's fortune cookie gets him into Veronica's Social clique. 32 pgs.
Cover price $0.95.