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Comic books published by Fawcett

8 of 76 in stock Nyoka the Jungle Girl (1945 Fawcett) #2-77 Fawcett 1945 - 1953
In stock On the Spot (1948) #0 Fawcett 1948
In stock Oscar and Fridays Comic Clock (1945 Fawcett) #0 Fawcett 1945
0 of 13 in stock Ozzie and Babs (1947) #1-13 Fawcett 1947 - 1949
Out of stock Parables of Peanuts SC (1970 Fawcett) #1 Fawcett 1970
3 of 3 in stock Paris and Hollywood (1925-1927 Fawcett Publications) Magazine #1-3 Fawcett Publications 1925 - 1927
0 of 15 in stock Peanuts Paperbacks #818-3364 Fawcett 1968 - 1975
Out of stock Phil Rizzuto (1951) #0 Fawcett 1951
12 of 19 in stock Photography Handbook (1938 Fawcett Publications) #2-491 Fawcett Publications 1938 - 1961
Out of stock Picture Puzzle Fuzzy Bear Enters the Ring (Tippy Toy No. 3 1945 Fawcett) #3 Fawcett 1945
1 of 4 in stock Pinhead and Foodini (1951 Fawcett) #1-4 Fawcett 1951 - 1952
Out of stock Pioneer Marshall (1950) Fawcett Movie Comic #1 Fawcett 1950
Out of stock Powder River Rustlers (1950) Fawcett Movie Comic #1 Fawcett 1950
1 of 3 in stock Radioland (1933-1935 Fawcett Publications) 1933-1935 Fawcett Publications 1933 - 1935
Out of stock Ralph Kiner, Home Run King (1950 Fawcett) #1 Fawcett 1950
In stock Real James Dean Story (1956 Fawcett Publications) #1 Fawcett Publications 1956
0 of 2 in stock Real Police Stories (1955 Fawcett Publication) Magazine #36-38 Fawcett Publications 1955
2 of 6 in stock Real Western Hero (1948) #70-75 Fawcett 1948 - 1949
68 of 87 in stock Rocky Lane Western (1949) #1-87 Fawcett/Charlton 1949 - 1959
9 of 20 in stock Rod Cameron Western (1950 Fawcett) #1-20 Fawcett 1950 - 1953
Out of stock Rod Cameron Western (1950) Canadian Edition #1 Fawcett 1950
6 of 33 in stock Romantic Movie Stories (1933-1937 Graphic Arts/Fawcett) Magazine #2-34 Fawcett Publications 1933 - 1937
5 of 39 in stock Romantic Secrets (1949 Fawcett) #1-39 Fawcett 1949 - 1953
8 of 116 in stock Romantic Story (1934-1943 Fawcett Publications) #1-116 Fawcett Publications 1934 - 1943
0 of 3 in stock Romantic Western (1949) #1-3 Fawcett 1949 - 1950
Out of stock Roy Campanella, Baseball Hero (1950) #0 Fawcett 1950
6 of 17 in stock Screen Book Magazine (1928-1940 Fawcett) #4-1940 Fawcett 1928 - 1940
1 of 2 in stock Screen Life (incorporating Screen Book) (1940 Fawcett Publications) Magazine 1940-1941 Fawcett Publications 1940 - 1941
4 of 10 in stock Screen Play (1925-1937 Fawcett) Magazine 1928-1937 Fawcett 1928 - 1937
In stock Screen Secrets (1929 Fawcett Publications) Magazine #7 Fawcett Publications 1929
Out of stock Shatter TPB (1988 Fawcett) #1 Fawcett 1988
In stock Singing Guns (1950) Fawcett Movie Comic #1 Fawcett 1950
18 of 83 in stock Six-Gun Heroes (1950 Fawcett/Charlton) #1-83 Fawcett/Charlton 1950 - 1965
0 of 7 in stock Slam Bang Comics (1940 Fawcett) #1-7 Fawcett 1940
2 of 4 in stock Smiley Burnette Western (1950) #1-4 Fawcett 1950
In stock Soap Box Derby Racer Plans (1947 Fawcett) #1 Fawcett 1947
6 of 11 in stock Soldier Comics (1952-1953 Fawcett) #1-11 Fawcett 1952 - 1953
In stock Special Edition Comics (1940) #1 Fawcett 1940
6 of 11 in stock Spy Smasher (1941) #1-11 Fawcett 1941 - 1943
Out of stock Spy Smasher and the Red Death (1941 Fawcett BLB) #0 Fawcett 1941
Out of stock Spy Smasher Giveaway (1944) #0 Fawcett 1944
1 of 5 in stock Star Album (1942-1949 Fawcett) Magazine #1-5 Fawcett 1942 - 1949
39 of 393 in stock Startling Detective Adventures (1929-1974 Fawcett) Pulp / Magazine #19-411 Fawcett 1929 - 1974
Out of stock Stay! (1994 Fawcett) #0 Fawcett 1994
2 of 4 in stock Strange Stories from Another World (1952) #2-5 Fawcett 1952 - 1953
23 of 63 in stock Strange Suspense Stories (1952 Fawcett/Charlton) #1-77 Fawcett/Charlton 1952 - 1965
3 of 5 in stock Suspense Detective (1952) #1-5 Fawcett 1952 - 1953
10 of 55 in stock Sweethearts Vol. 1 (1948-1954) #68-122 Fawcett/Charlton 1948 - 1954
28 of 46 in stock Tex Ritter Western (1950) #1-46 Fawcett/Charlton 1950 - 1959
12 of 21 in stock This Magazine Is Haunted (1951 Fawcett/Charlton) #1-21 Fawcett 1951 - 1954
Out of stock Thrilling True Story of the Baseball Giants (1952) #1 Fawcett 1952
Out of stock Thrilling True Story of the Baseball Yankees (1952) #0 Fawcett 1952
0 of 8 in stock Today's Woman (1945-1954 Fawcett) 1946 Fawcett 1945 - 1954
24 of 61 in stock Tom Mix Western (1948 Fawcett) #1-61 Fawcett 1948 - 1953
0 of 2 in stock Tom Mix Western (Canadian Edition) #18-27 Fawcett 1949 - 1950
0 of 17 in stock Triple-X (1924-1936 Fawcett) Pulp #1-17 Fawcett 1924 - 1936
In stock True Adventure Tales (1937 Fawcett Publications) Magazine #1 Fawcett Publications 1937
55 of 754 in stock True Confessions (1922-1985 Fawcett) Magazine #1-754 Fawcett 1922 - 1985
2 of 4 in stock True Confidences (1949) #1-4 Fawcett 1949 - 1950
0 of 2 in stock True Hunting Yearbook (Fawcett Publications, Inc.) Magazine #8-22 Fawcett Publications 1957 - 1971
0 of 2 in stock True Love Affairs (1929 Fawcett) Pulp #2-3 Fawcett 1929
2 of 50 in stock True Police Cases (1946-2000 Fawcett) Magazine #1-50 Fawcett 1946 - 2000
0 of 3 in stock True Stories of Romance (1950) #1-3 Fawcett 1950
2 of 11 in stock True Sweetheart Secrets (1950) #1-11 Fawcett 1950 - 1953
In stock True Tales of Romance (1950) #4 Fawcett 1950
5 of 21 in stock True Western Adventures (1957 Fawcett) #1-21 Fawcett 1957 - 1961
5 of 6 in stock True's Automobile Yearbook (1950 Fawcett Publications Inc.) #1-9 Fawcett Publications 1953 - 1960
0 of 7 in stock True's Boxing Yearbook (Fawcett Publications, Inc.) 1960-1966 Fawcett Publications 1960 - 1965
0 of 9 in stock Underworld Crime (1952) #1-9 Fawcett 1952 - 1953
Out of stock Unknown World (1952) #1 Fawcett 1952
1 of 2 in stock Very Best of Dennis the Menace (1979) #1-2 Fawcett 1979 - 1980
In stock Vic Torry and His Flying Saucer (1950 Fawcett) #0 Fawcett 1950
9 of 37 in stock Western Hero (1949) #76-112 Fawcett 1949 - 1952
Out of stock When's Later Daddy (1974) #0 Fawcett 1974
39 of 155 in stock Whiz Comics (1940 Fawcett) #1-155 Fawcett 1940 - 1953
Out of stock Whiz Comics (1946 Wheaties Giveaway) #0 Fawcett 1946
Out of stock Who Said That SC (1962 Fawcett Publications) #1 Fawcett Publications 1962
In stock Worlds Beyond (1951) #1 Fawcett 1951
4 of 9 in stock Worlds of Fear (1952) #2-10 Fawcett 1952 - 1953
19 of 69 in stock Wow Comics (1940-1948 Fawcett) #1-69 Fawcett 1940 - 1948
1 of 7 in stock Xmas Comics (1941-1952 Fawcett) #1-7 Fawcett 1941 - 1952
In stock Yogi Berra (1951) #0 Fawcett 1951
3 of 10 in stock Young Eagle (1950 Fawcett) #1-10 Fawcett 1950 - 1952
Out of stock Young Marriage (1950) #1 Fawcett 1950