WRITTEN BY GARDNER FOX, SHELDON MOLDOFF, JOHN B. WENTWORTH, AND ED WHEELAN; ART BY HARRY LAMPERT, MOLDOFF, DENNIS NEVILLE, STAN ASCH, WHEELAN, AND GEORGE STORM; COVER BY MOLDOFF. Because online voters demanded it! A true Golden Age classic, this incredible 1940 issue features not only the debut of Jay Garrick, the first Flash, but also the first appearances of Hawkman, Johnny Thunder, and more. "This was the start of the Gardner Fox age of storytelling" notes retailer Joe Field of Concord, California's Flying Colors. Visit www.dccomics.com to vote on future MILLENNIUM EDITIONs. Look for a signed version in
the Dynamic Forces section of Previews.
FC, 64 PG.
Cover price $3.95.