1st printing.
By Robb Pearlman.
Body by Starfleet speaks directly to and about one of today's most influential, literate, and free-spending demographics: pop culture fans. And it's these people, from sci-fi supporters to film enthusiasts to TV devotees, that are finally coming out of the underground dilithium crystal mines of their parents' basements and into gyms, Pilates studios, and yoga classes. Body by Starfleet bridges the nexus between stasis and health to provide fans of all ages and physical abilities practical and fun exercises so that they may truly live long and prosper.
Body by Starfleet will include real exercises designed by a certified, experienced trainer, all with a fun Star Trek bent (or lift or squat or lunge).
Hardcover, 6-in. x 9-in., 136 [pages, full color.
Cover price $16.00.