Comic books in 'Thor'
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. Blood and Thunder part 1 of 13, "Distant Thunder," script by Ron Marz, pencils by Bruce Zick, inks by Mike DeCarlo; In Asgard, Odin muses on Thor being absent from Asgard and his state of mind; Thor, meanwhile, is being persuaded by the Mind Valkyrie to raze not only Asgard, but all the Nine Worlds; While Thor rages, Sif and Beta Ray Bill look on, determined to try to talk sense into Thor; Thor strikes Sif down, when Bill appears; Thor easily defeats the both of them; Bill pleads for Sif to leave to gather more allies, or warn Odin if necessary; Sif leaves via the Norn Stones, and Thor strikes Bill with enough force to shatter the asteroid they were fighting upon; Before Thor can deliver the killing stroke though, the Silver Surfer arrives. 16-page insert on the Midnight Sons. Bullpen Bulletins. 52 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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$3 Thor (The Mighty) #468 VF- Combined Shipping~ $60 The Mighty Thor #468 NM Marvel Comic Books Ulik Asgard Loki Odin 24 HH33 Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. Blood and Thunder part 5 of 13, "Absolute Power"; On Monster Isle, Pip is trying to convince the rest of the Infinity Watch that they should go rescue Adam Warlock from being pummeled by Thor; When Pip tells Drax about "Longhair", he forces Pip to transport them to Thor; While Adam Warlock and the Silver Surfer go off to find allies against Thor, the rest of the Watch appear and Drax immediately starts pounding on Thor; Moondragon tries to use her mind gem to free Thor from his madness, and winds up giving the Mind Valkyrie a life of her own, apart from Thor's shattered psyche; She and Thor then begin attacking the Watch with renewed vigor; During the battle, Drax loses his power gem, which Thor now claims. The story continues in Silver Surfer 87. 36 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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$5 The Mighty Thor # 469 NM 9.4 $6 The Mighty Thor #469 Marvel Comics 1993 Newsstand High Grade NM- $60 The Mighty Thor #469 NM Marvel Comic Books Ulik Asgard Loki Odin 24 HH33 Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. Blood and Thunder part 9 of 13, "Ruins"; Thor and the Mind Valkyrie arrive in Nidgar Keep, before continuing on to the city of Asgard; The rest of the heroes arrive and try to stop Thor once again; Elsewhere, Sif and Beta Ray Bill decide to use the Norn stones to travel to Thor's side, once more in an attempt to stop him as well; Thor and the Mind Valkyrie easily dispatch the heroes, when Sif and Beta Ray Bill arrive; Pip and the Surfer fly towards Thor and the Mind Valkyrie and Pip teleports them to the sanctuary of Thanos, who is none too happy to have unexpected visitors. Appearances by Warlock, Dr. Strange, Moondragon, Gamora, and Drax the Destroyer. Cameo by Thanos. The story continues in Silver Surfer 88. 36 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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$3 Thor 1993 #470 7.0 mm24 $4 The Mighty Thor #470 Marvel Comics 1994 Newsstand High Grade VF+ $60 The Mighty Thor #470 NM Marvel Comic Books Ulik Asgard Loki Odin 24 HH33 Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. Blood and Thunder part 13 (the finale), "Fathers and Sons," script by Ron Marz, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Odin determines that Thor must die to save everything else; Doctor Strange and Adam Warlock stop him, telling him that he tries to pound the insanity out of Thor, when it should be cut away, like a surgeon; Odin agrees and re-enters Thor's psyche; Inside, Odin finds a gigantic mountain, which he climbs, and at the top, he finds Thor in chains; Thor tells Odin that he has been there for a long time, and cannot free himself because he is so weak; Odin tells him that he himself is to blame since he forged the chains out of his own righteousness; Odin breaks the chains, but before they can leave the Mind Valkyrie shows up; Odin and the Mind Valkyrie begin to fight for Thor, as she wants to return to the life that she was given by the mind gem. Cameos by Drax the Destroyer, Thanos, Warlock, Doctor Strange, the Silver Surfer, Beta Ray Bill, and Loki. The letters page contains a statement of ownership: average print run 259,383; average paid circulation 170,917. 36 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 472), Thor$2.50
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. First appearance of the Godlings: Blitzana, Loga, and Luminor in "If Twilight Falls," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor wakes from his dream of Ragnarok, to find his friends and father around him; Thor tells them that he cannot stay in Asgard, his destiny is on Earth; Odin tells him no, and he is forced to fight his way through his friends, and leaves; He arrives on Earth and finds a battle between three powerful humans and three animal-like monsters; Thor interferes and helps take down the three monsters, but is stopped by the master of all six - the High Evolutionary. Appearances by Odin, Sif, and Balder; cameos by Beta Ray Bill, Fandral, and Volstagg. 36 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 473), Thor$2.50
Last $1.25 cover price. Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "New Gods For Old!", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; During battle, some civilians get hurt and while Thor is distracted, High Evolutionary sucker punches him; They all then transport to the High Evolutionarys underground base; In Asgard, Vizier, Balder, and Sif are breaking Odins edict that Midgard is off limits, and viewing Thor; They then check on Ymir and Surtur in the Sea, and discover that they are both moving, and still fighting over Twilight; When Thor wakes up, High Evolutionary tells him of Nobilus and the New Mens and New Immortals treachery, and he escaped to Earth; There, he crashed into a prison vehicle, and recovered the bodies; He then went on to create more New Men, but decided to create Godlings to replace them. 36 pgs., full color. $1.25. Cover price $1.25.
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$3 The Mighty Thor # 473 NM 9.4 $6 Thor (Mighty) #473, Vol. 1 (1966-2011) Marvel Comics,High Grade VF/NM $10 The Mighty Thor #473 Marvel Comics 1994 Newsstand High Grade NM Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 474), Thor$2.60
First $1.50 cover price. Cover by Sandu Florea. Bonus Marvel Masterprints Spider-Man trading cards (Mark Bagley/Jimmy Palmiotti art) are bound into this issue. "When Mountains Walked," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Sandu Florea, inks by Bob Petrecca; Thor remembers a battle between Asgard and Moguls monsters and demons and wonders if the Godpack can ever replace friends and home. Appearances by Volstagg, Sif, Fandral, and Hogun. High Evolutionary cameo. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$3 The Mighty Thor # 474 NM 9.4 $4 Marvel Comics The Mighty THOR #474 Marvel Cards Attached VFN/NM 9.0 $6 Thor (Mighty) #474, Vol. 1 (1966-2011) Marvel Comics,High Grade VF/NM Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
52-page giant; collector's edition with embossed cover. Cover pencils by Lou Harrison. "Survival of the Fiercest," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; High Evolutionary, Thor, and the Godpack return to Wundagore, and are attacked by soldiers of Transia, who want Wundagore for themselves; They easily beat the soldiers and take them hostage against future attacks; Inside, High Evolutionary adds three more to the Godpack – Anak, Riger, and Zefra; But elsewhere, Karnivore is watching over a vicious battle among the Animutants, formerly the New Men, where savagery and brutality are prized; Thor begins to feel alienated from the Godpack and wanders off; He discovers a cave, and inside is an immobile Don Blake, in a pose of striking a cane against a rock; He awakens and sees Thor, thinking hes someone from a costume party; They hear a loud explosion, and going to investigate, discover the Animutants attacking. Guest starring the High Evolutionary. Thor gets a new costume. 52 pgs., full color. $2.00. Cover price $2.50.
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Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 475), Thor$8.00
Newsstand edition with $2.00 cover price. NOTE: Direct Market edition has a $2.50 cover priced and an embossed cover. Cover price $2.00.
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$9 Thor #475 Vol. 1 1994 Marvel Comics 1st App 8.0 Comic Book A47-132 Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 476), Thor$8.00
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Whom The Destroyer Would Destroy," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor and Jane talk to Don, and try to convince him that years have passed, but to no avail; Jane accepts an offer from the High Evolutionary to teach the Animutants, while Thor takes Don back to the United States; There, hes finally convinced that it really has been years and hes angry at Thor for stealing his life; In Hel, Hela pulls Loreleis spirit from the Destroyer, and places Garm's inside, then sends it after Thor; The Destroyer beats Thor soundly and claims Mjolnir for his own. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$70 Thor #476 CGC 9.8 (1994) Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 477), Thor$8.00
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Three Who Ride the Thunder," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Stewart Johnson, inks by Don Hudson; Thor and Thunderstrike battle the Destroyer, and Mjolnir has been fragmented; In Asgard, Odin knows that Thor must be present during Ragnarok, and unveils a new Thor; Thor discovers that the Destroyers animating force is both Garm and Don Blake; Blake is tired of being used though, and begins to fight back; Together, they defeat the Destroyer, but Blake still resents Thor ruining his life; Thor swears to restore his hammer, then journeys to Asgard to get the truth about Blake from Odin. Brief Hela appearance. Cameos by Sif, Beta Ray Bill, Volstagg, Hogun, Fandral, and Balder. M.C. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$6 Thor (Mighty) #477, Vol. 1 (1966-2011) Marvel Comics,High Grade VF/NM 5 days left Auction The Mighty Thor #477 (Marvel Comics August 1994) Thunderstrike Destroyer Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 478), Thor$8.00
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Come The Lightning," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M.C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor returns to Asgard, and seeks to force the truth of Don Blake from Odin; But Odin has a new son, Red Norvell; The two Thors battle, wrecking Asgard, and finally Odin relents and is willing to tell the truth. Appearances by Beta Ray Bill, Sif, and Balder. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$3 The Mighty Thor #478 Newsstand Cover (1966-1996) Marvel $8 Mighty Thor #478 Newsstand Cover (1966-1996) Marvel Comics Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 479), Thor$8.00
- Paper: White
- Label #4516537002
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "This Mortal Coil," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by MC Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Odin tells Thor the full story of Don Blake; Odin had been given a vision by Volla, that if Thor remained in Asgard, he would die before Ragnarok; So he chose Don Blake and placed Thors essence in him; Then when the time came on that trip to Norway, Odin removed Thors essence and spirited Blake away to Wundagore; Thor now understands his fathers motives, and there is something of a reconciliation between father and son; Odin will no longer command him to go or stay, so Thor returns to Earth, while Beta Ray Bill and Red Norvell stay in Asgard. Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, and Balder. Cameos by Loki, Hercules, and Jane Foster. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$6 THOR #478 & 479 VF 1994 Marvel Comics BETA RAY BILL RED NORVELL $8 Mighty Thor #479 Newsstand Cover (1966-1996) Marvel $10 The Mighty Thor #479 Newsstand Cover (1966-1996) Marvel Comics Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 480), Thor$8.00
View scans- Paper: White
- Label #4534930009
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Blitzkrieg In the Balkans," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor returns to Wundagore, and bristles at the way High Evolutionary commands him; Thor decides hes going to leave, but Blitziana wants to have it out with him; They stop fighting when Jimmy is endangered, and Thor leaves for good; In Asgard, Red Norvell fights alongside the Asgardians against some Trolls; After vanquishing them, he and Sif go off together to talk. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 481), Thor$8.00
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "The Living Stone, I Presume?", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor goes to visit Blake, to see if there is anything he can do, but Don is still bitter towards him; But Grotesk is watching them and has plans; He holds Don hostage, while his enslaved Lava Men push the Living Rock to the surface, where it will explode and devastate the world; Thor is outnumbered until the Godpack arrive; With their help, Thor defeats Grotesk and destroy the Living Rock; High Evolutionary tells them that there is going to be a showdown between them and the New Immortals that betrayed him in space. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$4 The Mighty Thor #481 Marvel Comics 1994 Newsstand High Grade VF $6 Thor (Mighty) #481, Vol. 1 (1966-2011) Marvel Comics,High Grade VF/NM Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 482), Thor$8.00
84-page giant; 400th issue of Thor. "Long Day's Journey Into Mystery." Script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M.C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. High Evolutionary appearance. Sif stars in the second story, "A Match made in Asgard." Script by Thomas, art by Keith Pollard. "The Dark at the Top of the Stars." Script by Thomas, pencils by Wyman, inks by DeCarlo. "All the Gods at Once." Script by Thomas, pencils by Stewart Johnson, inks by Carmen Imperato. "While Mephisto's Away." Script by Thomas, art by Pollard. Volstagg, Hogun, and Fandral star in "As Shadow's Gather." Script by Glenn Greenberg, pencils by Robert Walker, inks by Jim Amash. Appearances by Loki and the High Evolutionary. Painted cover by Harrison. Cover price $2.95.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 483), Thor$7.49
View scans- Paper: White
- Label #4534930010
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Don Hudson. "Armor and the Man-God I Sing...," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor looks deeper into the mystery of the Don Blake construct; Riger finds Lokis wedding band inside the cave and goes to Asgard to ask him about it; He finds Sigyn standing in his way and an armored Loki who takes him to task for breaking his oath; Sigyn reveals that it was her that created the construct; She accidentally destroyed the real Don Blake when she sought to take him prisoner to force Odin to release Loki from the tree he had been imprisoned in; She replaced it with a construct so no one would know; When Thor and Blitziana go to leave, Sif decides she will go with him back to Earth. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Cover by Steve Epting. "The God In The War Machine," script by Roy Thomas, art by Sandu Florea; Thor and Sif go to New York to prepare the way for High Evolutionary and Wundagore, when they are attacked by War Machine possessed by Loki; Blitziana is accidentally hit by one of High Evolutionarys rays and remembers a fragment from her past; She had some relationship with Billy, and when he was killed by Bristle, she went crazy with grief; War Machine begins to fight back against Loki, and finally drives him out. The letters page contains a statement of ownership: average print run 188,725; average paid circulation 108,792. Steven Epting cover. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$5 Thor #484 Marvel Comics Modern Age The Mighty vf/nm $5 The Mighty Thor #484 - NM Unread 9.4 Marvel Comics - Combine Shipping Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Things Ain't What They Used To Be," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by MC Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; The Thing is helping Thor and Sif clear up some rubble; He is visited by a vision of Lorelei, who is still in Hel; She tricks him into going to her old apartment and getting the enchanted mead that Thor never drank; But Malekith is there with her, and impersonating her, gets the Thing to drink the mead, then convinces him that it was Thor and Sif that killed her; He goes on a rampage against them both, but overcomes it when he tries to kill Sif and cant, because its not in his nature; Malekith realizes that he must send someone else after them – Kurse. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$4 Thor 1995 #485 Fine/Very Fine mm24 mm24 $5 The Mighty Thor #485 Marvel Comics 1995 Newsstand High Grade VF+ Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 486), Thor$8.00
Cover by Paul Ryan. "The Coming of Kurse!", script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Thor and Sif stop a bank robbery, and appear to be gaining celebrity status; In Asgard, Kurse beats his way past Heimdall, and plunges all the way down to Hel, where he demands Malekith; Hela tries to stop him but to no avail, and he beats her easily becoming the new master of Hel; Lorelei tells him that Malekith escaped to Earth, and he takes her there; Once there, Kurse sees Thor as Malekith and begins to attack him; As the new master of Hel and Niffleheim, Kurse calls forth dead monsters to destroy the one he believes to be Malekith. Cameos by the Midgard Serpent and the Ravagers. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 487), Thor$6.00
- Paper: White
- Label #4534930004
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Scott Koblish. "Hel On Earth," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo and Charles Barnett III; Thor and Sif battle Kurses monsters until they are joined by High Evolutionary and the Godpack; But they are still not making much progress, and Thor is swallowed by Jormungand; In Asgard, Odin watches the battle, then leaves; Vizier, Bill, Balder, and the Warriors Three come out of the shadows, and agree to go to Midgard to help; After Vizier sends them, Odin comes back and reveals that he knew they would go and planned it. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$6 Thor (Mighty) #487, Vol. 1 (1966-2011) Marvel Comics,High Grade VF/NM Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 488), Thor$9.60
Cover pencils by Sandu Florea, inks by Charles Barnett III. "To Hela and Back," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; With the help of the Asgardians and the Godpack, Thor manages to free himself and start turning the tide again; Elsewhere, Jane sees Lorelei running away and follows her, and sees her change to Malekith; Jane sees Sif and goes to tell her what she saw, only to have a building fall on them; Hela arrives and proves her power by stopping them all; She reveals the entirety of Malekiths plan, and makes Kurse see Thor instead of Malekith; Hela orders her minions to find Malekith, but Thor tells her no; She agrees to return them all to Hel, if Thor goes with her; He agrees and makes the Asgardians and Godpack swear to not attempt a rescue; Fortunately, the newly arrived Hulk has made no such promise. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$50 THOR Epic TPB # 22 [1st 2023 Paperback Marvel] NM OOP Odin Hulk Loki Hel Thing Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Cover pencils by M. C. Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo. "Hel and High Water," script by Roy Thomas, pencils by MC Wyman, inks by Mike DeCarlo; Hulk agrees to enter Hel and return with Thor; On earth, Riger realizes that Jane is really Malekith, and he fills in the rest of his escape story, then flees; He thinks hes eluded them, but he can never escape Kurse; Kurse beats on him mercilessly, until he is stopped by Sif, who begs him to return Malekith to Hel in exchange for Thors freedom; In Hel, Hulk and Thor continue their battle, destroying much of Helas kingdom, until Kurse arrives with Malekith; Hela agrees to let them all go; After returning to Earth, Thor decides that he will stay on Earth, but will leave the Godpack and go his own way. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$8 The Mighty Thor #489 Marvel Comics 1995 Newsstand Hulk Cover High Grade NM- Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 490), Thor$8.00
Cover pencils by John Buscema and Ron Frenz, inks by Al Milgrom. "Against the Dying of the Light!", script by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Patrick Olliffe; Thor storms Asgard, demanding answers for the death of Eric Masterson; Odin hurls him to Earth to resume his exile; While unconscious, Thor recounts his adventures with Eric; He comes to and flies to Erics grave and finds Crusher Creel there, and he immediately attacks him; In Asgard, Sif grieves for the loss of Eric as well. Thor eventually spots the card on the grave from Creel, and stops fighting; Creel leaves and Thor begs Odin for an answer and is enlightened that Eric was as free as Thor himself and accepted his path; Thor flies off, remembering his friend fondly. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 491), Thor$7.49
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. Worldengine Part One of Four, "Nailed Up," script by Warren Ellis, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor finds himself sick and dying, and is then attacked by animated corpses; Even weak, he manages to fight them off, and follows one of them back to an underground tunnel, where he finds Yggdrasil being tampered with, and is then struck from behind; Elsewhere, Amora is sending enthralled men in search of someone. Brief appearance by the Enchantress. 40 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$160 THOR Vol.1 #491(10/95)1:ELLIS/DEODATO,JR.(w/OVER-POWER GAME CARD)CGC IT(9.8)RAW! Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 492), Thor$8.40
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. Worldengine Part Two of Four, "Run Through," script by Warren Ellis, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Detective Curzon is in New York helping Code:Blue on an investigation; Thor has been brought to the Enchantress apartment to answer a question; In Asgard, Beta Ray Bill falls into a coma, and Odin notes that Ragnarok may be coming; Curzon begins to put the pieces together between the psychic reports of a giant ash tree dying, several people having dreams about fjords, and the robotic zombies found on a rooftop that all seem composed of ash wood. Comments from Ralph Macchio and Warren Ellis about the change in direction for Thor. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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$5 The Mighty Thor #492 Marvel Comics 1995 Newsstand High Grade VF+ Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 493), Thor$7.49
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. Worldengine Part Three, "Run Down," script by Warren Ellis, art by Mike Deodato; Curzon pursues his research into Norse myths as well as media accounts of Thor and Asgard; Thor and the Enchantress begin to fall in love and explore a relationship with each other; Amora has cast a spell around her apartment to protect Thor, as well as having a new costume provided for him; Both Thor and Curzon have reached the same conclusion, someone has convinced Yggdrasil that Ragnarok has already happened, so it is trying to erase him. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. Worldengine Part Four, "Finished Off," script by Warren Ellis, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor and the Enchantress return to the Worldengine and meet Price, who tells them his story; But he didnt count on the world not being habitable to post Ragnarok humans; Thor destroys the Worldengine, and Price is killed in the collapse. The letters page contains a statement of ownership: average print run 123,725; average paid circulation 70,125. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$4 The Mighty Thor #494 Marvel Comics 1996 Newsstand High Grade VF Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 495), Thor$8.00
Cover by Tom Grindberg. "In Mortal Guise," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Geof Isherwood; Thor and Amora decide to spend a night out on the town and wake up in Central Park as mortals, all their magic seemingly gone; Victor is awakened by a threatening phone call, saying they know he has it; Thor and Amora head back to her apartment to find it completely empty, and her servants gone; They are no longer under her spell and took everything for their years of enslavement; Thor is out for a walk, looking at construction sites for work when he comes across several men assaulting Annie; Thor manages to stop them even without his powers, and the Black Widow invites him to rejoin the Avengers. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. First Sign Part Two, "Doin' the Zodiac Rag," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Captain America has led a group of killers to Thor in the hope that he could help deal with them, unaware that hes not a god anymore; Amora helps defeat them, and then Thor and Cap head across town to try and stop the transportal from transporting in more men; They barely manage to make it there, only to have the portal activate. Story continues in Iron Man 326. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 497), Thor$8.00
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Thor Must Die," script by William Messner-Loebs, pencils by Luke Ross, Oclair Albert, and Frank Toscano, inks by Rene Micheletti, Eddie Wagner, Grant Nelson, and Alex Jubran; Razorfist and Spiral challenge Thor in a nutty plan to become Avengers, thinking that hes still powerless; He easily stops them and flies them both to a crack sweep gone bad, to prove themselves if they are truly worthy; During the fight, they actually help Thor out; Meanwhile, Victor and his family are hit by a drive-by shooting and Victor decides that he needs to hire Thor to help them; After the fighting has settled, Thor sees a drunk bum in an alley that looks exactly like Odin, but when he gets over there, the bum is gone. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$4 The Mighty Thor # 497 8.0 mm24 Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 498), Thor$7.49
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Life Preservation," script by William Messner-Loebs, pencils by Mike Deodato, Jr. (pp 1-11), Dante Bastianoni (pp 12-16), Pino Rinaldi (pp 17-22), inks by Mike Deodato, Jr. (pp 1-11), Brad Vancata (pp 12-16), and Andy Lanning (pp 17-22); Thor has agreed to help Victor until he can get the Ravens Eye turned over to a museum; Thor and the others are attacked by a helicopter, then by mechanical tentacles that drag them into the sewers, where they are followed by Wad; He keeps babbling about Thor and all the Asgardians being dead; Victor gets a phone call saying that they have his wife and daughter and to bring the sword to the sewers; They follow the sewers to where they see Loki, who apparently wants the sword for himself; But when Odin sees it, he makes a grab for it; In a bright flash, Thor, Odin, Kim, Silvia, and Annie are all transported somewhere else and are all dressed like Vikings. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$8 Avengers No. 10 Marvel France November 1997 In Very Good Condition Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 499), Thor$7.49
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Ludwig's Children," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor and the others have been transported to a bizarre version of the world as interpreted by Richard Wagners Ring Cycle; Loki is kind and noble, while Balder, Wotan, and another Thor are all bloodthirsty and greedy of rhinegold; Victor frees himself from his bonds, and Loki just sits there staring, totally unresponsive; In New York State Prison, one of the prisoners asks the Mad Thinker about getting revenge on Thor long distance, but the Thinkers mind is apparently gone; Thor and the others manage to capture Balder, but while Thor is trying to tame his flying stallion, Balder escapes and captures the others bringing them to Wotan; They have killed all the dwarves, then kill Loki. Thor then kills Balder, but before he can kill the hostages, Thor hurls the sword, killing Wotan; Instantly, the world fades away, and Thor finds himself in his own Asgard, but it is burning and in ruins. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
The listing below is from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for this item in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
$9 Thor #499 Direct Edition Cover (1998-2004) Marvel Comics Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 500), Thor$8.00
Giant-size issue; first Marvel Comic to reach 500th issue. Wraparound over by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Sunlight and Shadows," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor finds Asgard in ruins, overrun by Trolls and Ice Giants fighting for control of the city; Going on, he finds the human Aesir enslaved along with Doctor Strange; Thor frees them and tells Thor that the Loki he saw was really a robot controlled by the Mad Thinker, whose brain was fried when they were transported to Wagnerland; Elsewhere, the Enchantress has been captured by the Ice Giants and is helping them to try and take Asgard; Inside the city, Annie helps Silvia escape from the prison where she was being held, and Kim fights off some Ice Giants; They all make their separate ways to the palace, where Strange tells Thor that since Yggdrasil believes that there are no more gods, it cast them all down to Earth as mortals; At the palace, Thor finds the sword embedded in the wall; Thor grabs the sword, which turns to dust, and his full power is restored. Back-up features include a Thor quiz, a look at Thor's various costumes through the years, an Odin family tree, and information about Thor's hammer. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $2.50.
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Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 501), Thor$7.00
Direct Edition. Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Out of the Blue," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor checks with Kim to see if she's found anything, when they are attacked by a crazy guy; Kim tells him that it seems like all the evil is coming to the surface lately; She gives him the address of the only name she found – Red Norvell; Red has fallen pretty hard since he no longer has the power of Thor, he owes loan sharks, is seeing the wife of a mobster, and is roughed up by the studio for making porn tapes; His girlfriend starts to dump him at the same time Thor pulled the sword, and Red regains his powers; Thor tells him they must find the lost gods. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
View scan- Paper: Off white to white
- Newsstand Edition
- Label #4521620018
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Other items consigned by DoctorEdwardsEmporium
Newsstand Edition. Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. "Out of the Blue," script by William Messner-Loebs, art by Mike Deodato, Jr.; Thor checks with Kim to see if she's found anything, when they are attacked by a crazy guy; Kim tells him that it seems like all the evil is coming to the surface lately; She gives him the address of the only name she found – Red Norvell; Red has fallen pretty hard since he no longer has the power of Thor, he owes loan sharks, is seeing the wife of a mobster, and is roughed up by the studio for making porn tapes; His girlfriend starts to dump him at the same time Thor pulled the sword, and Red regains his powers; Thor tells him they must find the lost gods. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Thor (part 502), Thor$8.00
Cover by Mike Deodato, Jr. Final issue as "Thor"; becomes "Journey Into Mystery" next issue. "Putting on the Bear Shirt," script by William Messner-Loebs, pencils by Mike Deodato, Jr., inks by Deodato Studios; Thor and Red Novell have been driven from New York by Onslaught, and Thor reminisces before the end. Hela appearance. 36 pgs., full color. $1.50. Cover price $1.50.
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This is the 30 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Firelord returns in "The Fury of the Firelord!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by John Buscema, finished art by Joe Sinnott. (Plot assist by Marv Wolfman.) Appearances by Jane Foster, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Balder, and Hildegarde. The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series B # 73 (Dr. Strange). Cover price $0.30.
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This is the 30 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Firelord and Jane Foster guest stars in "The Flame and the Hammer!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by John Buscema, finished art by Joe Sinnott. (Plot assist by Marv Wolfman.) Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, and Volstagg (story continues in Marvel Spotlight 30), plus Balder. Letter to the editor from comics historian Peter Sanderson. Rich Buckler/Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.30.
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This is the 30 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. "There Shall Come Revolution!" Script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tony DeZuniga. (Plot assist by Marv Wolfman.) Appearances by Hogun, Fandrall, and Volstagg (story continues from Marvel Spotlight 30), plus Balder, Jane Foster, Heimdall, and Hildegarde. The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series B # 96 (Dracula). Buscema/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.30.
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- 30 Cent Price Variant.
- Label #3952252001
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
This is the 30 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Jane Foster becomes Sif in "The Throne and the Fury!" Script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tony DeZuniga. (Plot assist by Marv Wolfman.) Appearances by Balder, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, and Karnilla. The letters page contains Marvel Value Stamp series B # 98 (Fantastic Four). Jack Kirby/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.30.
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This is the 30 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Last 25-cent cover price. Odin is missing! The search for him begins in "If Asgard Should Perish!" Script by Len Wein, pencils by John Buscema, inks by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Sif, Balder, Karnilla, and Hildegarde. Jack Kirby/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.30.
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This is the 35 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. The Enchantress and the Executioner attack in "The Vicious and the Valiant!' Script by Len Wein, pencils by Walt Simonson, inks by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, Balder, and Karnilla. Simonson/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.35.
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This is the 35 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Thor faces the Soul-Survivors in "The Wall Around the World!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by Walt Simonson, finished art by Ernie Chan. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, Balder, and Karnilla. Cameos by the Enchantress and the Executioner. John Buscema/Frank Giacoia cover. Cover price $0.35.
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This is the 35 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Odin, discovered missing in issue 250, is found in "Even an Immortal Can Die!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by Walt Simonson, finished art by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, Balder, and Karnilla. John Buscema/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.35.
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This is the 35 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. "Holocaust and Homecoming!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by Walt Simonson, finished art by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, the Recorder, and Odin. Simonson/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.35.
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This is the 35 cent variant edition that had limited distribution. Loki is up to no good in "Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me!" Script by Len Wein, layouts by Walt Simonson, finished art by Tony DeZuniga. Appearances by Sif, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Balder, Karnilla, the Recorder, Odin, the Enchantress, and the Executioner. Simonson/Joe Sinnott cover. Cover price $0.35.
View scans- 1" Cumulative spine split.
View scans- 3" cumulative spine split.
View scans- 4" cumulative spine split (partially taped).
View scans- INCOMPLETE. Piece missing, interrupts art or story.
View scans- Interior complete. REMAINDERED COPY with cut in first 6 pages. Full length spine split.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #1093413012
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #1618507017
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #4479907014
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
View scans- Restored: C1
- Paper: Off white
- Restoration includes: small amount of color touch on cover.
- Label #4479950015
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white
- Slab: Scuffing to inner well of case
- Label #2118047004
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #3982746006
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Restored: B1
- Paper: Off white
- Restoration includes: small amount of color touch on cover.
- Label #4536493001
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Slab: Scuffing to inner well of case; Debris trapped between case and inner well
- Label #4077685007
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #4175443006
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #3968254013
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #1618496015
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- 3/4" Spine split from bottom. Cover coming loose from top. Water spotting.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Graded by MCS, not consignor.
Other items consigned by humble cow
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #4098921013
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Other items consigned by Poka
- 1" cumulative spine split, cover oxidation, glue spots along spine.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Graded by MCS, not consignor.
Other items consigned by humble cow
- 1 3/4" cumulative spine split.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #3827431011
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
View scans- 3" cumulative spine split. Cover detached.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.
View scans- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #4202680016
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
Other items consigned by Poka
- Paper: Cream to off white
- Label #2008884022
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
- 2.5" cumulative spine split, cover coming loose.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.
View scans- 6" Cumulative spine split.
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.
View scan- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout. Graded by MCS, not consignor.
72 page giant. First appearance of Hercules in "When Titans Clash!" Cover by Jack Kirby. Script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Vince Colletta. Loki appearance. This issue also includes a diagram of Asgard and Thor reprints: "Trapped by Loki, the God of Mischief" (from Journey Into Mystery 85); "The Mysterious Radio-Active Man" (JIM 93); "The Demon Duplicators" (JIM 95); and "The Mighty Thor Battles the Lava Man" (JIM 97). Kirby cover. 76 pages, full color. Cover price $0.25.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
0 bids
Time left: 6d 18h 6m$15.00
View scan- 1" Cumulative spine split.
View scan- 3/4" Cumulative spine split.
View scan- Water damage.
View scan- 1/2" spine split from bottom.
- Water damage.
View scan- Heavy water damage. Pen marking.
1st Printing. Thor battles the Destroyer in a new 30-page story, "If Asgard Falls!" Script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Vince Colletta. Appearances by Loki, Odin, Hogun, Fandral, Volstagg, Balder, and Heimdall. Absorbing Man cameo. This issue also contains two Thor reprints: "Mad Merlin" (from Journey Into Mystery 96) and "The Enchantress and the Executioner" (JIM 103). Kirby/Colletta cover. NOTE: 1994 JC Penney reprint exists. Can be identified by having a Stridex ad on the back cover. Cover price $0.25.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.
- Paper: Off white to white
- Label #4410531022
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
View scan- Paper: White
- Label #17-1A7EB23-368
- Consignment. 3% buyer's premium charged at checkout.
All Jack Kirby reprints: "A World Gone Mad" (from Journey Into Mystery 113); "Balder Must Die" (JIM 107); "Trapped by the Trolls" (JIM 108); "Banished From Asgard" (JIM 109); "The Defeat of Odin" (JIM 110); and "The Stronger I Am, the Sooner I Die" (JIM 114). Cover price $0.25.
The listings below are from eBay, and MyComicShop is not responsible for these items in any way. Some listings shown here may no longer be available if they sold or were ended by the seller after we last retrieved the listing details.
Clicking on the links to the eBay listings shown above and then making a purchase may result in MyComicShop earning a commission from the eBay Partner Network.