Captain America (1968 1st Series) 254 CBCS 9.8
Item #57295088
Tags: Marvel Legacy Numbering: Captain America (part 254), Captain AmericaCaptain America (1968 1st Series) 254 CBCS 9.8
This item's CBCS grade equals the top CGC census grade.
Paper: White
Slab: Scuffing on front and back of case
Label #16-3238268-003
Starts Feb 3 "Blood on the Moors" Part 2 of 2. Plot by Roger Stern and John Byrne. Script by Roger Stern. Pencils by John Byrne. Inks by Joe Rubinstein. Cover by John Byrne and Joe Rubinstein. It's an epic battle to the death at Falsworth Manor in England between Captain America and Baron Blood! Can the star-spangled avenger avoid the deadly fangs of Baron Blood...and end the threat of the bloodthirsty vampire forever? Just as the Sentinel of Liberty and Union Jack teamed up -- more than 35 years ago -- to defeat the Third Reich's vampire, they will have to do so again to taste victory! Final appearance of the first Union Jack (aka Lord Falsworth). Second appearance of the third Union Jack (aka Joey Chapman). Cameo appearances by Bernie Rosenthal, Kenneth Crichton, and Jacqueline Falsworth. (Note: This classic two-part story was reprinted in 1982 in the Marvel Illustrated paperback titled: Captain America Battles Baron Blood.) 32 pages. Cover price $0.50. Grade: CBCS 9.8 explanation of grade Condition: Used (collectible)