Genesis (2013 WTF Publishing) comic books
Published Jun 2013 by WTF Publishing.$4.80
One-Shot. June 2013. Written by Michael McCarthy and illustrated by Robb Taft. When the Venus probe returned to Earth in 1968 and crashed in rural Pennsylvania it was impossible to hide from the media. As such, that event was carefully spun by government handlers and eventually told by Mr. George Romero in his groundbreaking fiction film "The Night of the Living Dead". What you probably dont know however, is that upon re-entry, the Venus probe actually broke into at least two pieces, with the second, and larger piece landing in a remote part of war torn Vietnam where several characters from OUR movie happen to be working bringing peace, prosperity, and freedom to the people of Vietnam. The Government has spent years attempting to bury what actually happened in Vietnam. Now, for the first time in print, you can find out for yourself the truth. Think Apocalypse Now - only its apocalypse NOW. Vietnam. 1968. Thats a lot of bodies to come back from the dead. Might make that incident in Pennsylvania look like a Saturday morning kids show. One way to find out. 7" x 10.25". 20 pages. Color. Cover price $4.20.