Perhapanauts (2005 1st Series) comic books
Published Nov 2005 by Dark Horse.$2.50
There are places in this world where the fabric of reality has worn thin, where creatures from other realms and bizarre beings from other dimensions slip through, horrible in their difference striking terror into the hearts of those unfortunate few who glimpse them and threatening to drive them mad! There is an organization hidden from this world which has taken upon itself the responsibility to confront these creatures, one whose agents are adept at turning them back from whence they came and repairing the rips and tears in our reality. The organization is called BEDLAM. The agents are called...The PERHAPANAUTS. It's Bigfoot, ghosts, aliens, faeries, and chupacabras ... and they're on OUR side! Todd Dezago (Sensational Spider-Man, Impulse, Tellos) and Craig Rousseau (Impulse, Batman Beyond, Ruule: Kiss and Tell) sat around for a LONG time thinkin' this crazy stuff up, so you oughta buy it ... okay? Okay. Cover price $2.99.
Published Dec 2005 by Dark Horse.$2.50
Hey, Perhapa-pals! Todd Dezago here. I really don't want to date myself but, y'know, I can remember a time when there wasn't any PREVIEWS. No solicitations, no cover image, no three sentence encapsulation that sorta dilutes the thrills of an upcoming story. Back then the only way you knew what your hero was in store for next month was on the last panel of this month's issue! Like-Next Issue: The Rhino! It was enticing! It was exciting! Don't get me wrong-I love PREVIEWS-it's wonderful publication. However, in honor of those bygone days, we here at The Perhapanauts will be using this space to introduce ourselves, preview some awesome artwork, and maybe tell a few jokes. Check back here next month for some of that kind of fun. Oh, and please check out The Perhapanauts #2 for a comic that's packed with adventure, chills, and excitement! After all, we do it for you. Cover price $2.99.
Published Jan 2006 by Dark Horse.$2.50
In our continuing effort to NOT tell you what happens in upcoming issues, today we field a letter from one of our avid readers. Dear Perhapa-dudes, Since the chupacabra originally comes out of Latin-American folklore, shouldn't Choopie speak with an outrageous Mexican accent like Speedy Gonzales? 'He like my seester, I theenk.' It would be so much funnier like that. Your numero uno amigo, Davy Glasmer Dengen's Creek, Iowa Dear Davy, Good question. But no.While the legend of the goatsucker does have its origins in Central American culture, Choopie was just a blood-sucking beast when he was first captured. It wasn't until he was exposed to the Evolvo-Ray that Choopie began to develop basic language skills. He was then exposed to countless hours of American television. That's where he learned to talk. Thanks for writing and don't forget to order The Perhapanauts #3. It will be much better than this solicit. And it'll have pictures. Sincerely, Todd and Craig Cover price $2.99.
Published Feb 2006 by Dark Horse.$2.50
A chupacabra, a sasquatch, and a ghost walk into a bar... Okay, maybe not... Hey, Perhapa-Pals! Todd and Craig here. As we strive valiantly to continue NOT telling you what's coming up in upcoming issues, we will say this about The Perhapanauts #4: It's very good. Really. Trust us. We've seen it and we think it's one of the most thrilling, pulse-pounding, senses-shattering, low-in-calories, action-packed, sci-fi-slash-paranormal-slash-horror-slash-humor-slash-adventure comics being offered this month, from Dark Horse, on this page, by us. Check it out and see if you don't agree! Cover price $2.99.