First $1.00 issue. Cover art by Jack Rickard. "The Greatest American Zero," script by Lou Silverstone, art by Mort Drucker; In a parody of the TV series "The Greatest American Hero," an FBI agent tries to train a teacher with a super-suit how to be a hero. "One Gloomy Day in the Dungeons," script and art by Don Martin; A dungeon prisoner demands privacy. "The Mad Student's Hate Book," script by Mike Claussen (plot), Al Jaffee, and Jody Revenson, art by Al Jaffee; Examples of things that make a student's life more difficult. "If Junk Mail had Always Existed," script by Tom Koch, art by George Woodbridge; Period-specific advertising fliers. "A Mad Guide to First Aid," script by Dick DeBartolo, art by Angelo Torres; A first aid treatment manual that does more harm than good. "The Lighter Side of ...," script and art by Dave Berg; Humorously annoying behavior regarding women's liberation, bravery, curiosity, decisions, telephones, progress, shopping, relationships, growing up, children, values, snacking, partying and Sunday school. "Mad's ABC's of Writing Successful Exams and Term Papers," script by Tom Koch, art by Paul Coker Jr.; Collection of suggestions to writing better term papers, one suggestion for each letter of the alphabet. "Spy Vs. Spy" by Antonio Prohias. "Mad's Occult Promoter of the Year," script by Frank Jacobs, art by Jack Davis. "Mad Looks in on Public Television," script by Larry Siegel, art by Harry North; A local Public Broadcasting System TV station conducts a fund drive. Mad Fold-In by Al Jaffee. Back cover strip by Sergio Aragones. 52 pgs., B&W.
Cover price $1.00.