Written by Edmond Hamilton. Art by Howard Sherman. Photo cover from Destination Moon. Chris and the crew of the Pioneer encounter radioactive, crystalline men in the Green Nebula and foil a plot to steal the Nebula's radium. Superboy stars in a one-page public service announcement, "Job Counselor. Written by David V. Reed. Art by Paul Norris and Bernard Sachs. Darwin meets a young actress who has accidentally bathed in the Fountain of Youth. Written by Jack Schiff, Mort Weisinger, and Bernie Breslauer. Art by Dick Sprang. A description of devices, events, and innovations predicated by Wells in his fiction. Written by Gardner Fox and Edmond Hamilton. Art by Jim Mooney and Sy Barry. A scientist uses a hydrogen bomb to cause rain, resulting in a world-wide flood. He uses a second bomb to save mankind. Article written by Julius Schwartz. Art by Morris Waldinger and Tommy Nicolosi. Science facts about the experiments of Otto von Ghericke and Isaac Newton. Text story, art by Raymond Perry. Written byGardner Fox and Robert Heinlein. Art by Curt Swan and John Fischetti. A story about a seat-of-the pants, first landing on the moon, adapted from the 1950 George Pal movie, Destination Moon. Text story by Julius Schwartz. Art by Morris Waldinger and Tommy Nicolosi. Facts about the 1692 appearance of Halley's Comet and the 1919 solar eclipse. Ad for Strange Adventures #2. 52 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.