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Vision/Scarlet Witch issue. This issue of FOOM spotlights the Vision and the Scarlet Witch. Edited by Duffy Vohland. Front cover by John Buscema and Craig Russell. Interior illustrations by John Buscema, John Byrne, Jack Kirby, Paty Cockrum, John Romita Sr., Tom Palmer, and Dave Wenzel. The outstanding centerspread (two-color and unsigned) features the Vision and Scarlet Witch plus Ultron and Quicksilver. Six-page feature: "Vision, This is Your Life!" Script by Roger Klorese. An interview with the Vision at Avengers Mansion. Two-page feature: "The Scarlet Witch: Meditations on a Ms." Script and illustrations by David Kraft. One-page parody feature: "The Visage" by Charley Parker. The Vision visits the Daily Bugle. Cameo
appearances by Spider-Man and J. Jonah Jameson. Three-page interview with Steve Englehart about recent events in the Avengers title. Two-page interview with Roy Thomas about the creation of the Vision. (Notes: The back cover portrays the Vision and Scarlet Witch with art by Paty Cockrum and Al Milgrom. FOOM #12 was published six months after Wanda and the Vision were married in Giant-Size Avengers (1974) #4. The magazine has approximately 8 " x 11" dimensions. The only advertisements inside are house ads.) 32 pages.