Billy the Kid Adventure Magazine (1950) comic books 1955 or before
Published Dec 1950 by Toby Press.$4.80
Stories and art by Jack Sparling, Art Helfant, and Leon Winik. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. When Billy stumbles on two owlhoots bushwhacking Russ Clayton, he gets involved in the effort to free Mesa Valley from terror. Billy is a target when he rides into town with a price on his head, but those he has helped try to keep him safe. Prospector Pete gives up prospecting for acting, and gets cast in a movie... as a prospector. Plus the legend of the Lost Adams gold. Outlaw's Code; Owl Hoot Trail; Somebody Gets Caught; Lost Gold, the True Story of the Lost Adams Diggin's; Coward's Bluster; Prospector Pete. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Jul 1951 by Toby Press.$8.10
Stories and art by Jack Sparling and Elmer Wexler. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. To prove his own innocence, Billy sets out to bring in a killer, but the weather and the wolves are against him. Billy tries to prevent a boy driven by vengeance from committing murder. Young would-be cowhands get lectured by the Oldtimer on how to treat a lady. Wolfbait; Revenge Fever; Ten-Gallon Allen; Buffaloing the Buffalo; Oldtimer: Women Haters. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Sep 1951 by Toby Press.$21.00
View scanStories and art by Jack Sparling and Leon Winik. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. Billy helps a town stand up to the Black Diamond Boys - but there are more Boys than he thought. Billy has a nightmare of fighting with a gorilla, in a dream sequence that may be early work by fantasy and comics legend Frank Frazetta. Billy is on a stagecoach that is transporting a gold shipment, joining forces with the sheriff in a tense standoff against marauding outlaws. The Black Diamond Boys; Nightmare!; White Courage; Stagecoach; Ten-Gallon Allen; Oldtimer. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published May 1952 by Toby Press.$9.90
Stories and art by Jack Sparling, Leon Winik, Ed Smalle, Lorence Bjorklund and Tom Gill. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. Billy finds a body in the creek that turns out to be a dummy, accidentally getting caught up in a wanted killer's plot to fake his own death. Billy investigates when the kid he met on the stagecoach is kidnapped, even though his ranch land is supposed to be worthless. When Dan Magee is sentenced to hang, his sister comes gunning for Billy the Kid, thinking he's to blame, but the real killer is someone else entirely. Stand-In for Death; Masquerade; Tex Keeler's Cowboy Lingo; Ten-Gallon Allen; The Hanging of Dan Magee; The Crooked Deck; Clay Allison, Terror of the Washita!; Foolin' Around. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Jul 1953 by Toby Press.$17.50
View scanStories and art by Jim McArdle and E. J. Smalle. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. While everyone believes Billy is dead, a masked highwayman claims to be Billy the Kid, setting the real Billy on his trail. While in the hoosegow, Billy meets Luke, a young rancher falsely accused of murder, and realizes he's telling the truth. Billy and his pal Saddle Sam help medicine-show doctor Doc Hoskins and his beautiful salesgirl Kathy claim a medicinal spring during a land rush. Plus a vintage Popsicle ad in comics form featuring Major Mars ("America's #1 Space Soldier") and an offer for a "Real Rocket Water Pistol." The Crying Judge; The Ghost of Billy the Kid; The Great Land Rush; Little Guy. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Sep 1953 by Toby Press.$15.50
View scan$8.30
A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. The cover says it best: "To speak out against the Brand Brothers was to stake out a claim for yourself on Boot Hill...Vicious sidewinders who'd as soon drygulch a man as drink a second cup of coffee..." They don't write 'em like that anymore. After a young kid takes a shot at him, Billy gets involved in protecting his beautiful widowed mother from the outlaws who killed her husband for his gold mine. Mitzy Malloy, a female Marine, thinks a military training film will be her big break into showbiz, but the subject is camouflage. The Brand Brothers; Dead Mans Gold; Mitzi Malloy: The Best Film on Camouflage; There Is a Man; Gunsmoke Justice. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Nov 1953 by Toby Press.$8.80
A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. Billy seeks revenge on the strange skull-masked figure who gunned down his young friend Tom, but everyone else thinks the killer is Death itself. Billy is the sole survivor of a dynamite attack on a stagecoach, but the bandits left two things behind: a horse and a telltale cigarette case. Billy stumbles on a train robbery in progress. Death Travels Northward!; Stagecoach Blow-Up!; Dry-Gulch Terror!; The Crooked Deck. 36 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published Jul 1954 by Toby Press.$7.20
Cover by Jack Sparling. Stories and art by Jack Sparling and Jack O'Brien. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. Billy sets out to avenge his prospector friend Jeb, murdered by his partner after they struck gold. Billy rescues a boy from a stampede and gets caught up in a murderous plot on a ranch. When Billy swears to give up his guns, outlaws see their chance. Hatred Made the Desert Hotter; The Maverick; The Prince Albert Kid; The Silver Tongue of Death; The Loan Arranger. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.
Published 1954 by Toby Press.$6.30
Cover by Jack Sparling. Stories and art by Jack Sparling, John Forte and Mell Lazarus. A Western adventure comic that turns the notorious real-life outlaw into a folk hero wandering the Old West. Billy saves a man chained to a boulder, and gets mixed up in the strange killings involving masked men and a Baskervillian "phantom wildcat." Billy wants to help a woman save her lumber camp, but he's got a price on his head and a hunter on his trail. Billy gets involved in preventing a war between Comanches and Arapahoes. Plus an early cartoon by Mell Lazarus, creator of the Momma and Miss Peach comic strips. The Phantom Attacker; Man-Hunt; The Kidnappers!; Friendship's a Wonderful Thing; The Saga of the Sun Dance; Facts About the Wild, Wooly, Crazy, Mixed-Up West. 32 pages, Full Color. Cover price $0.10.