- INCOMPLETE. Piece missing, does not interrupt art or story.
"How Well Do You Know the Law?" Calling All Sleuths activity page. "The Strange Case Of Measles, The Teen-Age Dope Smuggler," script by Chester Gould, art by Joe Simon (splash panel) and Chester Gould; Gravel Gertie gets unwittingly involved in a prison dope smuggling ring headed by Measles; Meanwhile, Tracy goes undercover to shut down the smuggling ring. "Twist of Fate," script and art by Chester Gould; Tracy gets the drop on Measles, but the car backs into Tracy; Measles clubs Tracy and ties him to the back of the car; As he drags Tracy down the road, Gravel Gertie spots him and sets out to save him. "The Getaway," script and art by Chester Gould; Tracy catches fire while being dragged behind the car driven by Measles; His coat tear loose, and he rolls into a ditch where the police find him and take him to a hospital; Gravel Gertie keeps two of Measles' henchmen at bay with an axe; Measles abandons his car and hides in a lineman's aerial tent until the police pass by. "The Police Athletic League" article. "The Case Of The Writer's Note" Dick Tracy Minit Mystery activity page; you solve it mystery, with the solution at the bottom of page. Untitled one-page story; B.O. and Sparkle Plenty go to the movies. Joe Palooka house ad. Flash Gordon house ad. One-page Tootsie Roll ad, "Captain Tootsie Takes Lion" by Bill Schreiber. 36 Pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.