Stories and art by George Carlson, David Tendlar, and Nate Collier. Kids' comics featuring the whimsical fables of beloved artist George Carlson, praised by Harlan Ellison as a "comic of the absurd." Second-Story Sam (who drives a truck that advertises his burglary services) steals the Royal Carpet-Sweeper, while King Hokum notices the Million-Dollar Bill is missing again. Aunty Spry takes the kids on a nature walk. A crooked cabbie plots to kidnap the Zheckered Zultan's whole family, but he's foiled by the youngest Zulteen and Clancy the Royal Cop. Bingo and Glum in Fairytale Land; Chauncey Chirp and Johnny Jay; Jingle Jangle Tales: The Zheckered Zultan and His Three Little Zulteens; Pudgy; Polly-Anna; Ahunting We Will Go; Nickie; Hortense the Lovable Brat; Aunty Spry; The Pie-Face Prince of Old Pretzleburg; The Old Swap Shop. 48 pages, Full Color.
Cover price $0.10.