CGC Graded Comic Books
CGC is a comic book grading company. Comics that are submitted to CGC are graded by professional graders on a 10 point scale and then sealed inside a hard plastic cotainer to prevent tampering.
Item #62192803
Tags: Superman -
Item #61481144
Item #62397846
Item #62521390
Item #56449738
Item #61852902
Item #59647638
Item #58111873
Item #61344209
Item #61068485
Item #62470031
Item #61261384
Item #61552604
Item #61552579
Item #62516961
Item #62515545
Item #60877310
Item #59551217
Tags: Convergence (DC), Superman -
Item #56689701
Item #59384119
Item #60790041
Item #62210623
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 01), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #52263438
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #56298491
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #52674356
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #52263426
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #56297881
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #62438013
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 04), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #56693844
Tags: Dark Nights Metal (DC) (part Sequel 17), Batman, Justice League/Society, Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #61357330
Item #62102559
Item #62124075
Tags: Adam Strange, Superman -
Item #62518212
Tags: Superman -
Item #62490513
Item #62124074
Item #62412293
Tags: Green Lantern, Superman -
Item #62490520
Tags: Green Lantern, Superman -
Item #62518219
Tags: Red Tornado, Superman -
Item #62178488
Tags: Red Tornado, Superman -
Item #62178487
Tags: Superman, Wonder Woman -
Item #62178486
Item #62518223
Item #62490522
Item #62611134
Tags: Legion of Superheroes, Superman -
Item #62518225
Item #62518227
Tags: Superman -
Item #62611138
Tags: Black Lightning, Superman -
Item #62177687
Item #61721376
Item #54312831