CGC Graded Comic Books
CGC is a comic book grading company. Comics that are submitted to CGC are graded by professional graders on a 10 point scale and then sealed inside a hard plastic cotainer to prevent tampering.
Item #55022343
Item #55093364
Item #56660673
Item #60892620
Item #57253723
Item #56791647
Item #59269094
Item #61672080
Tags: Superman -
Item #62147559
Tags: Superman -
Item #62155270
Tags: Superman -
Item #61921760
Tags: Superman -
Item #62520564
Tags: Superman -
Item #60467727
Tags: Martian Manhunter, Superman -
Item #53417697
Tags: Martian Manhunter, Superman -
Item #61802067
Tags: Superman -
Item #59301877
Item #62510693
Tags: Superman -
Item #52863076
Tags: Superman -
Item #62216616
Item #62510672
Item #62352644
Item #57624026
Tags: Legion of Superheroes, Superman -
Item #60793459
Tags: Superman -
Item #53504300
Tags: Superman -
Item #56235978
Tags: Superman -
Item #61723602
Tags: Superman -
Item #56743655
Item #61779992
Item #56744702
Item #59248179
Item #61998189
Item #59301784
Item #61221052
Item #58794471
Item #53778778
Item #56743660
Item #58878840
Item #59910679
Item #62611073
Tags: Superman -
Item #58238926
Tags: Superman -
Item #60071893
Item #62346848
Tags: Superman -
Item #62200916
Item #62346841
Item #60986926
Tags: Superman, Swamp Thing -
Item #57526239
Tags: Superman, Swamp Thing -
Item #62174843
Item #59412503
Item #61833615
Item #61197720