CGC Graded Comic Books
CGC is a comic book grading company. Comics that are submitted to CGC are graded by professional graders on a 10 point scale and then sealed inside a hard plastic cotainer to prevent tampering.
Item #60497134
Item #60497131
Item #60497126
Item #60497125
Item #60497124
Item #62420617
Item #61409983
Item #60076210
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59289989
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59501660
Tags: X-Men -
Item #60295971
Tags: X-Men -
Item #55518221
Tags: X-Men -
Item #56230454
Tags: X-Men -
Item #57331793
Tags: X-Men -
Item #53589977
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59936586
Tags: X-Men -
Item #53403471
Tags: X-Men -
Item #57135880
Tags: X-Men -
Item #58126271
Tags: X-Men -
Item #54341643
Tags: X-Men -
Item #57502570
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59561785
Tags: X-Men -
Item #60937870
Tags: X-Men -
Item #56842064
Tags: X-Men -
Item #60249466
Tags: X-Men -
Item #60764387
Item #61479821
Item #60077478
Tags: Reign of X (part 44), X-Men -
Item #60077475
Tags: Reign of X (part 44), X-Men -
Item #59299651
Tags: Reign of X, X-Men -
Item #59899467
Tags: X-MenPublished Jun 2002 by Marvel/Wizard. -
Item #62103995
Item #61289816
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61988366
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61967100
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62445725
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61455077
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59269746
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62539762
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61453861
Tags: X-Men -
Item #53746789
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61142384
Tags: X-Men -
Item #54942696
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59269096
Tags: X-Men -
Item #54120393
Tags: X-Men -
Item #54341664
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59591827
Tags: X-Men -
Item #50134503
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59409173
Tags: X-Men -
Item #59385298
Tags: X-Men