CGC Graded Comic Books
CGC is a comic book grading company. Comics that are submitted to CGC are graded by professional graders on a 10 point scale and then sealed inside a hard plastic cotainer to prevent tampering.
Item #57797955
Item #59991514
Item #62132885
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62132888
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62132889
Tags: X-Men -
Item #58079565
Item #59463783
Item #56231233
Item #56359079
Item #61110467
Tags: X-Men -
Item #56989853
Tags: Marvel NOW (2013), X-Men -
Item #56952321
Tags: Marvel NOW (2013), X-Men -
Item #56952578
Tags: Marvel NOW (2013), X-Men -
Item #62162692
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62081102
Tags: X-Men -
Item #60028895
Tags: X-Men -
Item #58080326
Tags: Marvel NOW (2013), X-Men -
Item #62074417
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62074419
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61568405
Tags: X-Men -
Item #53433430
Tags: Trial of Jean Grey (Marvel) (part 5), X-Men -
Item #60026155
Item #60231518
Item #58963353
Item #62201019
Item #62560177
Item #62434384
Item #61738635
Item #61726637
Item #55807808
Item #56704219
Item #57711220
Item #58963392
Item #60077437
Item #60416747
Item #62074807
Item #60416213
Item #61455327
Item #60416212
Item #61900528
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61107711
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61511759
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61511745
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62132908
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62085031
Tags: X-Men -
Item #62186580
Tags: X-Men -
Item #61908414
Tags: X-Men -
Item #57415415
Tags: Marvel 25th Anniversary Cover, Marvel Legacy Numbering: Amazing Spider-Man (part 282), Spider-Man, X-Men -
Item #62434382
Tags: Marvel 25th Anniversary Cover, Marvel Legacy Numbering: Amazing Spider-Man (part 282), Spider-Man, X-Men -
Item #57014753
Tags: Marvel 25th Anniversary Cover, Marvel Legacy Numbering: Amazing Spider-Man (part 282), Spider-Man, X-Men