The adult illustrated fantasy magazine. Cover art by Esteban Maroto. Gore Lord article by Charles Platt. Lann, script and art by Frank Thorne. I'm Age, script and art by Jeff Jones (one page). Rock Opera, script and art by Rod Kierkegaard, Jr. The Hunting Party, script by Pierre Christin, art by Enki Bilal. It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Tsukerman! article. Salammbo II: Carthage, script and art by Philippe Druillet. The Door of the Transfiguration featuring The Third Incal, script by Alexandro Jodorowsky, art by Jean Giraud (as Moebius). A Matter of Time, script and art by Juan Gimenez. Living in the Ice-Age starring El Borbah, script and art by Charles Burns. The Railways, script by Claude Renard, art by Francois Schuiten. Meets the Toast of Europe starring Tex Arcana, script and art by John Findley. Butterfly, script and art by Herikberto. June, 1984, issue 87. 100 pgs. Cover price $2.50.
Cover price $2.50.